Monday, November 28, 2011

Past Worries

Have you ever noticed in life that there is always an issue we are working on or concerned about? Most often our reaction is to worry about these issues. Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 6; “….do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” I love Jesus because He is pointing us to something deeper; is not our lives more than these issues, worries, concerns or situations?! Often we allow these worries to draw us away from God when we should have never left His side to begin with. When we learn to stop worrying and learn to trust God; He can teach us peace in the midst of these circumstances. There are times when God is calling us to go through situations; during these times He builds more peace and steadfastness in our soul and spirit. Jesus wants us to learn how to have peace and confidence in His love and leadership no matter what the circumstances are. I think there are some keys to moving past issues and worries, such as having childlike faith, praying, thinking rightly which leads to a change in our perspective. A catalyst that often helps in all these areas is praising and giving thanks to Jesus.

Jesus said that we should have faith like a child. Matthew 18; Jesus said “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Children that are raised in a loving envirment do not normally weary about paying the bills or putting food on the table; they trust their parents to take care of them. Childlike faith is faith that relies on the Father to take care of all that concerns them. We need to continually have a fresh revelation of the Fathers love for us!

Paul in His letter to the Philippians said “Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, (4:6-7)” I believe that we must have perspective from heaven and prayer allows us to do this. When issues arise we need to call out to Jesus and get His perspective, what He wants us to learn through the process and strategies for breakthrough

Paul also address what we think about in our minds. “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things,” (phil 4:8). We must take captive every thought and think only on good and wholesome things. Ask Holy Spirit to help and reveal any thoughts that are not honoring to Him.

So many breakthroughs have come into my own life through Praising and thanking God for everything. Psalms 100:4 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.” Paul says in Phil 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say rejoice!” We should praise and thank God because He is worthy, and because He is loving. We receive fresh perspective, strength and peace when we let go of the worries and concerns that so often occupy out thoughts and weigh down our emotions zapping us of our energy and joy. I have never experienced a breakthrough from worrying but I have experienced breakthroughs from praising and giving thanks to Jesus. I believe that praise and worship can re-wire our brains and gives us extra grace to think rightly, have proper perspective and increase our ability to hear God.

Lastly we need to move from being ‘us’ or ‘I’ focus to Jesus focused. This is a journey that the Shulammite took in the Song of Solomon (Song). In the beginning of the book she is very focused on herself “I am black but lovely,” (1:5) and “My beloved is mine, and I am His,” (2:16). Even in Song 5:16 the Shulammite says “This is my beloved and this is my friend.” It is still about her. Yet towards the end of the book the Shulammite through the leadership of Jesus says, “I am my beloved’s and His desire is for me,” (Song 7:10). She has encountered the Bridegroom and is overwhelmed with His beauty and totally trust Him, so much that she knows she can focus on His glory and He will take care of her.

Monday, November 7, 2011

6 Weeks to Personal Preparedness; Week 6


You should not wait for an actual event to happen to realize that you are missing something.

This is where the fun begins. Take a weekend and practice going without electricity or heat. Get all your gear out and use it, see how you like it. Have everyone one try and use only 1 gallon of water for one day and see how it goes. Try heating up your food on a BBQ or camper stove. The important thing is to practice and see if you have everything you need.

Monday, October 31, 2011

6 Weeks to Personal Preparedness; Week 5

Make a Plan based on the threats in your area.

1) If something happens were will everyone in your family meet. Best to have a primary and alternative location.

2) Identify an out of area contact: Your contact should live outside of your area. After a disaster, it can be easier to make a long distance call or to text someone than a local call. Family members should call the contact and tell him or her where they are. Everyone must know the contact’s name, address, and phone number

3) If your area is evacuated that know the routes, know were the shelters are.

4) Make home escape plans.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6 Weeks to Personal Preparedness; Week 4

Week 4

What to buy:

1) Buy the things that you identified on the list form week 3.

What to do:

1) Place the items from the list that you may need if you have to evacuate in your go bags.

2) Pack extra clothes and shoes in the go bags.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Waiting on the Lord!

The staff at the International House of prayer Northwest have been practicing silent prayer. So Good. The idea is to listen to Jesus while setting in quiet for an hour every day.

Doing this was really hard, to listen that long and be still, I found that I would fall asleep during part of it. I remember the Lord saying once that while I was silently listening that I was strengthening my inner man as I sat silently before Him.

What I have found that helps me is to ask the Lord what verse I should meditate on (or just pick a verse that has been speaking to me) and then go to that verse and read it , and think about it and read it and ask Holy Spirit about it and just be quite before the verse. It is so important to be silent before the Word of God and allow it to do its work after all the Word of God is a living person, Jesus is His name.

I Remember when I was living in Hawaii during the fall of 2007, I was meditating on the Psalms in my morning devotions. I remember that it was during one of these times that I was just reading and rereading this one Psalm asking about the meaning and contemplating on the verses when the Lord said to me "this is the most intimate thing that you can do with me." I did not fully realize the significance of what He was saying (probably still don't) but He was saying in essence you are meditating on my Son, Jesus is the word of God.

The Word of God is in essence God exteriorizing Himself to us in a way that man can internalize ourselves toward God. Jesus taking on the form of man, and living amongst is the ultimate picture of this.

Monday, October 17, 2011

6 Weeks to Personal Preparedness; Week 3

Week 3

What to do:

1) Write or print out important phone numbers and address, place one copy by your phone and one with your important paperwork. This is especially important if you have all your address and contact primarily located on a phone or computer.

2) Identify what you will need in your house, car and Go Bag that you do not already have from the list below:

House List

Car List





Hand warmers

Windshield breaker

N95 dust mask

Seatbelt cutter

Food for one week

Jumper cables

Water for one week

Empty gas can

Water purification tablets

Cash in small bills

Cash in small bills

Toys for kids

Non-electric can opener

Water for three days


Food for three days

12 to 15 inch adjustable pipe or crescent-type wrench (to shut off gas)

Hand warmers

Games for kids (something to do without electricity)

Baby wipes


Pocket Knife

Water proof matches

Plastic bags

Small camping burner or gas BBQ

Go Bag

Baby Wipes


Emergency Radio (battery operated)

Whistle or noise maker

N95 dust mask

Pocket Knife

Sturdy Shoes

Change of clothes / Water proof gear

Local map

Water and food

Baby wipes

Cash in small bills