Friday, July 6, 2012

Crisis Response International training Canby OR

I recently had the privilege of going down to Canby OR to help with Crisis Response International (CRI) training. CRI is a Christian organization that trains people to respond to disasters nationally and internationally. At this training I helped run operations and communications; we trained 51 people in first aid, search and rescue, Ham Radio, Personal and community preparedness and much more.  It was a lot of fun to see old friends. The Lord really used this week to remind me of a passion that He has placed in me to see His bride ready and equipped for times of crisis. Pictures are posted bellow.
For more information about CRI visit

Pictures CRI training Canby OR

  We started the week off with praying for all the responders that came to help run the training.

I worked all week with these two guys, Calvin and Nathaniel, they did an amazing job and helped out with everything from checking water supply, putting up antennas to setting up the simulations
 Mary Leonard! Great picture. Mary teaches on Chaplaincy, Self Care and Critical Incident Stress Management 7(CISM7) the heart of CRI training. 
 Bob Leonard and I ran all support for the training.
 Exercise every morning!
 Yes, that is all there is for breakfast; boiled eggs, fruit, yogurt and oatmeal.

 Ken Husband and bellow is Carrie Husband; amazing couple that set a standard for fitness and health in the Church. They taught exercises every morning.

 Lynne and David Mezzacappa, they are from IHOP NW
 Yup, that is me. Delivering supplies here, there and everywhere.

 Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing women that gives leadership to CRI trainings.

 Wake up Bryan! this is our night time exercise.